shark tank gige conference

How MyBasePay Will Get the ‘Shark Tank Treatment’ at the 2021 Collaboration In the Gig Economy Conference

There is something special about making face-to-face connections at conferences and conventions in the B2B world. While such events have been kept on hold for a while due to the coronavirus pandemic, things are starting to change — and MyBasePay is getting right into the action. We’re excited to attend the upcoming Collaboration in the…

Tried and True: 5 Things You MUST Know When Starting Your Own Staffing Agency

Tried and True: 5 Things You MUST Know When Starting Your Own Staffing Agency

It’s estimated that 70 percent of staffing startups fail. While that is a grim-sounding number, there are still over 25,000 independent agencies in the United States alone. A competitive industry with a highly saturated market may seem like an easy source of blame for the high startup failure rate, but this only scratches the surface….

Why On-Demand and Independent Workers Make for a More Agile Workforce (and Why It Matters)

Why On-Demand and Independent Workers Make for a More Agile Workforce (and Why It Matters)

For years, the idea of the workforce was that individuals would dedicate their entire career to the same organization. They would work for the same company for decades, rising through the ranks before collecting their 401k and possibly even a pension when the time came to retire. Nowadays, hiring managers need to take everything they…

Employer of Record: What It Is, Why It Matters and How You Stand to Benefit (If You Do Things Right)

Employer of Record: What It Is, Why It Matters and How You Stand to Benefit (If You Do Things Right)

Today’s hiring world is more complicated than ever. Companies are no longer merely dealing with full-time and part-time workers. Many now utilize freelancers and independent contractors from across the country — and sometimes, from the other side of the globe.    Navigating employee classifications and associated responsibilities with onboarding, insurance requirements, and benefits can create a…