How to Put Together a Competitive Benefits Package for Your Contingent Workforce

How to Put Together a Competitive Benefits Package for Your Contingent Workforce

When it comes to attracting and retaining top contingent talent, your company should provide a competitive benefits package. According to TeamStage, 49% of employees leave their job due to a lack of valuable benefits, and 51% said they consider a benefits package to be crucial in retention efforts. Unfortunately, this is a dilemma that plagues…

5 Effective Freelancer (or Contingent Worker) Redeployment Strategies

5 Effective Freelancer (or Contingent Worker) Redeployment Strategies

For future and long-term success, restructuring within a company is often essential — and that means making changes to your staff. But as most business leads know, bringing on new hires brings various associated costs. That’s why companies choose to enact redeployment strategies. Workplace redeployment is when a staff member leaves a team or position…

How Employers Can Best Maximize the Engagement of Their Contingent Talent

How Employers Can Best Maximize the Engagement of Their Contingent Talent

While many employers may feel like they know how to keep their full-time employees engaged at work, contingent talent is another story. However, maximizing worker engagement among contingent talent can prove just as critical for your operations. After all, contingent workers don’t rely solely on your organization for income. They usually don’t work in your…

How the IRS Tests for ‘Employee’ or ‘Independent Contractor’ Status

How the IRS Tests for ‘Employee’ or ‘Independent Contractor’ Status

One of the trickiest aspects of managing a hybrid workforce with both full-time employees and independent contractors is ensuring that everyone is properly classified for tax purposes. While successful relationships with freelancers can improve your business’s scalability and provide a much-needed boost to your bottom line, classification issues could easily result in costly penalties. To…

3 Questions to Consider When Evaluating the Impact of a Contingent Workforce On Your Business’ Growth

3 Questions to Consider When Evaluating the Impact of a Contingent Workforce On Your Business’ Growth

The contingent workforce is here to stay — in fact, it is estimated that there are over 59 million freelancers in the United States today. While using contingent talent can make a business more agile and flexible, using these individuals to grow your business involves much more than simply deciding you want to hire them….

3 Reasons Your Prospect Interviews Don’t Work (and 3 Quick Tips for Improving Them)

3 Reasons Your Prospect Interviews Don’t Work (and 3 Quick Tips for Improving Them)

It’s official: we’ve entered hiring season. The world is looking forward to the post-COVID era, businesses are opening back up, and companies are looking to bring on new team members. However, the interviewing process can be stressful, regardless of how experienced your recruiters might be. Meeting with people you’re unfamiliar with and narrowing down which…

5 Simple Ways to Streamline the Onboarding Process for New Employees

5 Simple Ways to Streamline the Onboarding Process for New Employees

As important as it is to recruit and place top talent, what happens after a position is filled is ultimately even more important. The onboarding process is when a new employee becomes acclimated to the company, and when the company helps supply them with the necessary knowledge, tools and equipment to do their job. For…

5 Proven Tips for Successfully Onboarding Remote Talent (the First Time Around)

5 Proven Tips for Successfully Onboarding Remote Talent (the First Time Around)

For any business firm, onboarding is an essential process. Joining new employees with your established organization takes a lot of time, consideration, and careful instruction. Now, with the growth of new staffing trends like remote working, the process of onboarding has become more challenging. Recruiters must prepare their new hires for integration digitally, which can…

How to Build Successful, Long-Term Relationships With Talented Freelancers

How to Build Successful, Long-Term Relationships With Talented Freelancers

By the end of 2020, there were an estimated 59 million freelancers in the United States. Even with the surge in remote work brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, this largely reflected a continuation of ongoing growth in this space. Despite this, the so-called “freelance revolution” continues to suffer from a supply problem, in large…

How Your Business Stands to Benefit From Direct Sourcing Contingent Workers

How Your Business Stands to Benefit From Direct Sourcing Contingent Workers

Direct sourcing is becoming a major disruptor in the staffing world, dramatically changing the way that many businesses engage with contingent workers. While change can certainly bring about its fair share of challenges, direct sourcing is by and large poised to provide significant benefits to the companies that enlist this method. Direct sourcing is the…