6 Proven Ways Businesses Can Mitigate Risk When Onboarding Independent Contractors

6 Proven Ways Businesses Can Mitigate Risk When Onboarding Independent Contractors

While independent contractors have long been part of the workforce, the rise of the “gig economy” has made this type of employee far more commonplace than in the past. According to Statista, roughly 59 million Americans did some level of freelancing work in 2020. Regardless of whether someone does all their work as an independent…

Everything You Need to Know: The Pros and Cons of Becoming an Independent Contractor

Everything You Need to Know: The Pros and Cons of Becoming an Independent Contractor

Up to 32 percent of the current workforce are independent contractors, and this rate has been steadily rising for years. When you consider diversified workers, those who mix traditional and independent employment status, it includes over half of all current working Americans. This surge can be attributed to the rise of remote work in the…

Why On-Demand and Independent Workers Make for a More Agile Workforce (and Why It Matters)

Why On-Demand and Independent Workers Make for a More Agile Workforce (and Why It Matters)

For years, the idea of the workforce was that individuals would dedicate their entire career to the same organization. They would work for the same company for decades, rising through the ranks before collecting their 401k and possibly even a pension when the time came to retire. Nowadays, hiring managers need to take everything they…