Back-Office Platform Improvements: Weekly Billing by Customer Report

Weekly Billing by Customer Report

Now you can generate a Weekly Billing by Customer report that shows the billed amount for each customer over the last 8 weeks with just a few clicks! 

With this new feature enhancement, you’ll be able to:

  • Have a visual representation for the Weekly Trend Billing report and Customer Trends & Mix report all located on the Financials tab. 
  • Easily calculate Total and % of Total columns that show the overall billed amount and its percentage compared with other clients during the chosen period of time. 
  • Customize the reflected period via the date range filter and make it either longer or shorter.  
  • Download .XLSX files for new reports.

Delete Non-Registered Teammates 

You can delete teammates who didn’t complete registration and don’t show up on your active roster. 

This will help you keep only active teammates on your team roster for better-streamlined communication. 

‘Created by’ Feature Upgrade

Now you’ll be able to keep the names of users who created any entity in the Back-office platform even if those users were deleted.

We’re always listening to our members, and we have been working hard on improving the product based on what you need.


Author: Cesar Romero
Cesar is the Head of Marketing at myBasePay, where he’s responsible for overseeing the company’s content marketing, community, and partnerships strategy. He also co-hosts The Ivy Podcast where he interviews executives from Fortune 500 companies on executive leadership. When he’s not helping startups with marketing and community strategy, you can find him paying it forward by serving as a mentor for leading organizations like StartingBloc, Hive, and Global Citizen Year.

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